Kutty Surumi, also known as Surumi Mammootty, is an Indian actress and the daughter of famous Malayalam film actor Mammootty. She was brought up in a family involved in the entertainment business as her father was a very famous actor in Malayalam films.
Kutty Surumi was born on 23 September 1982 in Kerala, India to famous Malayalam actress Mammootty and her wife Sulfath Kutty. Kutty Surumi completed her early education at Indian School, Al Wadi Al Kabir, Muscat, Oman. And then she went to Dubai for her higher education. She earned her bachelor’s degree in commerce from the College of Dubai.
Despite coming from a large family with a strong cinema background, Kutty Surumi did not initially intend to become an actress. She preferred to pursue business in the field of commerce and business. However, it was her father’s fame and popularity in the film industry that inspired her to take an interest in acting. She started her career in the Malayalam film industry with the film “Bangalore Days” in 2014.
Kutty Surumi was born in 1982 in Kerala, India to famous Malayalam film actor Mammootty and her partner Sulfath Kutty. The daughter of the actress is also one of the famous actors in the Malayalam film industry. Additionally, she was raised in a family heavily involved in the entertainment business.
Kutty Surumi was married to Dr. Rahman Dr. Rahman, a doctor in Dubai and the couple has an infant son named Ibrahim. She is very private about her personal life. Kutty Surumi often shares pictures of her family on her social media profiles but keeps them private and does not reveal details of her personal life.