An Overview of The Woods Hole Science Aquarium

Woods Hole is a beautiful place in Massachusetts. It is a small village with not more than 800 to 850 residents. This place has many things to offer its visitors, making it one of the must visit destination in Massachusetts. Book a trip today from Boston with the help of the best car hire service to Woods Hole.

Boston Executive Limo Service is the most preferred car hire service in Boston. They are the best Boston to Woods Hole car service and have been in business for many years. They can get you the best car for your budget and requirements. Check their website to learn more about their services and how to hire them.

After reaching Woods Hole, you can check many places. One such place that can make your visit worthwhile is the Woods Hole Science Aquarium. The aquarium has more than 80 local species of aquatic life found on the surrounding beaches. All these species of aquatic life are found in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast US waters.

Working Hours

The aquarium consists of two different activity places. One is the outdoor seal enclosure, and the other is an indoor aquarium. The outdoor seal enclosure opens at 11.00 am, and so does the indoor aquarium. The closing time of both the activity centers is at 4.00 pm.

Different Kind of Species in the Aquarium

Here are some aquatic species you can enjoy watching here.

  • Striped bass, cod, flounders, and haddock are essential for fishermen’s recreational and commercial purposes.
  • Horseshoe crabs, toadfish, skates, sea urchins, and other such animals are helpful for biomedical research conducted in research centers.
  • Baleen, bones, and shells from some of the endangered species of whales and turtles.
  • Some notable collection of species with odd life histories, animals with unique colors, etc.

Working Area

The visitors can check the aquarium workers feeding animals, preparing food, and cleaning tanks in these areas. These locations are open for public visits. You can check everything that happens first-hand here.

Some Dry Exhibits

Some dry exhibits are available for the visitors to see in the aquarium. They are:

  • The marine turtles
  • The whale protection

Some of the dry displays in the aquarium include an elaborate history of science and the history of Woods Hole and marine life. You can read about fishery science, sea turtles, marine mammals, and all the other local fish.


The marine aquarium has unique access to people who visit the place in their wheelchair. You cannot take your pets inside the aquarium. Once inside, you are required to sit in your seat. Do not stand in between the ramp. While inside, you should follow all the rules stated in the respective closures.

Before planning your visit to the aquarium, you are suggested to call their registered number and check whether they are open for business.

Sometimes, they might have closed due to maintenance or to tend to the animals. Hence, plan the best weekend to this place from Boston by hiring a car limo service.

pramod kumar

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